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Virtual Design & Construction (VDC)

Virtual Design & Construction (VDC)
Virtual Design & Construction is a process assisting in the communication, coordination and organization of design and construction information among the stakeholders using a centralized database system of construction documentation.

We work collaboratively with our design partners and subcontractors to proactively construct projects virtually by the use of highly detailed 3D models in anticipation of field installation. By communicating, coordinating and resolving conflicts and challenges virtually, we are able to greatly reduce and influence costly field issues and change orders, saving time, effort and money for our clients while improving the overall quality of the product.

Simulation of site logistics and scheduling, detailed clash detection, quantity takeoff, and a variety of techniques and tools are implemented using 3D models providing for ease of understanding, interpretation and communication to all project stakeholders. Increased project communication enables higher collaboration among the project participants and reduces risks while allowing for increased efficiencies in communication such as field automation, mobile access to critical project information, safety reviews, estimation of cost and prefabrication.